Join us in taking a visual look back at an incredible year. From our premiere in January at Sundance, to screening at the U.N. for World Oceans Day in June, to the hundreds and hundreds of local screenings that have taken place across the world. It has been one wild ride.
The Exposure Labs Team shoots opening credit footage for Chasing Coral The entire team huddled and happy after the Sundance premiere Chasing Coral takes home Audience Choice + Student’s Choice at MountainFilm Telluride Chasing Coral screens at the U.N. for World Oceans Day (Credit: Drew Levin) Jeff Orlowski and Zack Rago take to the gavel before our U.N. screening (Credit: Drew Levin) Chasing Coral team Skypes for a bleary-eyed 3am celebration of the film’s release on Netflix A very fitting, outdoor screening at newportFILM (Credit: newportFILM) Belize Prime Minister Barrow promises to uphold a moratorium on offshore oil activity, securing vital protections for the Belize Barrier Reef, the world’s second largest reef Kristen Bell in the studio recording the film’s closing theme, “Tell Me How Long” (Credit: Netflix) The Chasing Coral team along with Executive Producers Linda and David Cornfield, Mark Eakin, Richard Vevers, and Senator Whitehouse University of Georgia student Lucy Wellborn shares her original artwork inspired by scenes from Chasing Coral Director, Jeff Orlowski and Producer, Larissa Rhodes during a post-screening Q&A at the Whitby Hotel in New York (Credit: Drew Levin) Seacamp, a diving, sailing, and marine science camp for teens in Big Pine Key, FL, hosts a seaside screening with Zack Rago in attendance (Credit: Seacamp) Students settle in for a screening at Tanza Elementary School, located in a coastal community in the Philippines that relies heavily on the reef (Credit: Melinda J. Irvine) College students at a Chasing Coral screening planned alongside #COP23 to help send a message that theU.S. is #StillIn on climate action (Credit: Linda Porter) Drivers in Los Angeles are treated to a larger than life-sized billboard of Chasing Coral along Melrose Avenue 500 students gather for a special newportFILM EDU screening with discussion led by URI, Department of Natural Resources professor, Graham Forrester (Credit: Jennifer Manville) Zack Rago embarks on the Great Barrier Reef Legacy’s 3-week “Search for Super Corals” expedition Zack Rago captures what is believed to be the first picture of a newly discovered species of coral reef during his return to the Great Barrier Reef Chasing Coral waking up the world at UN environment General Assembly (Credit: Richard Vevers) Jeff Orlowski is awarded a UN Environment Champion of the Earth Laureate in recognition of the film’s power to bring awareness to the issue of coral bleaching and our changing climate